Year in Review: 2024

Let’s take a look at what all we got into over the last year.

New Implants:

flexSecure Updates


New Bundle:

Bundle Updates/Return:

New Accessories

Products from the Community:

Also, there was the DT meetup in Dallas! A kick off to what we hope will be regular events.

Thanks for a great 2024, everyone!

Edit: I keep remembering more but I still feel like I’m forgetting stuff. Feel free to jump in : )


Thanks from the Community to the DT & VK staff that provide cool stuff for us to stick in our bodies and the other things to play with.

Thanks @tac0s , its great to be remined of how much actually happened, its easy to feel like each year just bleeds into the next.

Also all the active and helpful community members, making stuff, sharing stuff and equally welcoming new members and helping people out, all of which makes this community what it is



and this year will be better… :sunglasses:


I’m fortunate to be part of a fun community that is equally as excited about playing with this tech as I am. I look forward to the fun things to come in 2025!


What a magnetizing year! I sense 2025 will bring even cooler vibes to the field!
You’re all very attractive people and I would be ferrous not to be part of this community.


I may have only been active for checks about 84 days, but never have I felt so welcomed by any community so large, intelligent, and devoted.

You are all such amazing people, and I have come to look up to many of you. Hopefully another meet-up will take place this year so I can shake your hands (and maybe get stuck to some of you in the process). If I can drive there from the Great Lakes State, I’m sure I’ll be there.

Thank you all for everything you all have shown me.


:wave: from downriver :slight_smile: